Hotkeys SET COLOR TO &COLOR1 MHELLO MCONT MCONT MCONT The following key definitions are available from within TABS, as well as from other DOS applications (as long as TABS is still resident). To copy or paste the desired information, hold down the ALT key then press the appropriate Function Key associated with the information you wish to paste. These keys can be used to type a telephone area code, city, note line, date, etc. Please note that ALL text for a particular key will be copied (i.e. if there is not enough space in the current field for the information, it will flow into the next-BE CAREFULL!). Also, any additional space after any text will NOT be copied. F2 - F3 - F4 - F5 - F6 - F7 - F8 - F9 - F10 - MHK10 Above Information Correct or uit (cancel changes) MCONT MCONT MCONT DATAPATH TABSDFLT.DBF DFLTFILE USE &DFLTFILE HC2_DEF HC3_DEF HC4_DEF HC5_DEF HC6_DEF HC7_DEF HC8_DEF HC9_DEF HC10_DEF MHK10 paste RTRIM(mHK2) paste RTRIM(mHK3) paste RTRIM(mHK4) paste RTRIM(mHK5) paste RTRIM(mHK6) paste RTRIM(mHK7) paste RTRIM(mHK8) paste RTRIM(mHK9) paste RTRIM(mHK10) keyboard RTRIM(mHK2) keyboard RTRIM(mHK3) keyboard RTRIM(mHK4) keyboard RTRIM(mHK5) keyboard RTRIM(mHK6) keyboard RTRIM(mHK7) keyboard RTRIM(mHK8) keyboard RTRIM(mHK9) keyboard RTRIM(mHK10) MCONT MCONT DATAPATH TABSDFLT.DBF DFLTFILE USE &DFLTFILE HC2_DEF HC3_DEF HC4_DEF HC5_DEF HC6_DEF HC7_DEF HC8_DEF HC9_DEF HC10_DEF MHK10 MCONT